Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Nanette Lapore Smells Good

This stuff smells so good that I want to eat my own arm off when I wear it.

When I find a scent I like, I wear it for years. Nanette Lapore is one of those scents. In high school I wore Animale, which is probably a very funny 80s commentary.

Anyway, I again have to give thanks to the Guerilla parents who bought me the pictured Nanette gift set, which includes a GIANT bottle of perfume (much bigger than I would buy myself) as well as a candle and body lotion that is just as fragrant! I believe they picked it up at...that's right: Lord & Taylor.

It's all pink and beflowered and girly and when I wear it, I have to run down the street from all the men who chase me as if I were an ice cream truck on a summer's afternoon.

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