Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Neighborhood: So Not Fashionable Anymore

I hate excuses too, but try this one: I have been spending my days and nights dealing with the mice that have ascended upon me and other tenants in my building - one jumped out at me from the garbage can under the sink last night! So I threw the whole thing out - garbage can and all.
I am also not pleased as punch with the fact that - seemingly covertly - NYU has turned the corner of 23rd St. and 3rd Avenue INTO A DORM! They really kept this one on the down-low, I'm telling you, because I would have joined or perhaps started a rebellion against it. There used to be a wonderful Garden of Eden there, and now we've got another giant ugly NYU building turning the stretch of land into Fraternity Row. Is NYU the biggest landlord/owner in town? Isn't NYU on W. 8th St? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? At first I was hopeful that it was a Baruch dorm - since BARUCH IS RIGHT NEXT DOOR. But no such luck. Instead we get the most expensive - and questionably least academic - University on the planet taking over yet another neighborhood. Never mind my recent comment about my neighborhood turning into the Upper East Side, for it is now officially turning into BOSTON!

Run for your life! Leave your homes to the mice!

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