Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm the Demolition Man

Hi all - week one came to a close and I made my first visit to the homestead and took a bunch of shots of empty messed up rooms.  And closets.  And here they are:

Kitchen.  Left the door and the sink.

Other side of kitchen.  Left radiator; window.

Inside of closet with shelves ripped out.

Front entrance/doorway/foyer looking into living room.

Living Room closet with shelves removed.

Living room.  With bathroom sink.

Living Room.  With garbage.

Doorway from living room to back hallway.

Bathroom.  Where the sink used to be.

Bathroom.  Tub coffin.

Bathroom floor; opposite wall.

Bathroom pipes and stuff.

Bathroom Radiator.

The tub beneath.


Bathroom sink shelf.

Bedroom, other wall.

Door/hallway looking into living room.

1 comment:

4evayoung said...

Scary, but also exciting.