Monday, May 21, 2012

Fuzzy Blackberry photo
The mighty foyer has finally come together this weekend.  I was going a little bit for the black & white art deco (loosely defined).  I brought the mirrors over from my old apartment (Target), the table, which I mentioned the other day, is from Pottery Barn.  The vintage glass vase from Damon Crain.  The old photos c/o my mom thanks to my long-departed relatives Schlaffer and Anderson, as is the silver (stainless?) tray on the lower shelf.  The silver key dish picked up years ago at Daffy's, and candle holder...hmmm...I believe I received that as a gift.  And in closing the glass spinning picture frame thanks to my friends for my birthday on Friday.  Yay!
Hidden: white glass light fixture hanging from a black chain, from Lowe's.

Flowers from bodega on Broadway & 93rd St.

1 comment:

gokil aja said...

Thank you for sharing some of your experience and wisdom.
i like nice post