Thursday, December 06, 2007

Seth Godin on What People Want

Thought this blog entry from Seth Godin back in August of 2006 was relevant to the shopping experience of today...and I do think it's true -- for most people, but not for you, the devoted Guerilla Shoppers. You want more than this:
What people want
The same thing everyone else is having, but different.
A menu where the prices aren't all the same.
More attention than the person sitting next to them.
A slightly lower price than anyone else.
A new model, just moments before anyone else, but only if everyone else is really going to like it.
A seat at a sold out movie.
Access to the best customer service person in the shop, preferably the owner.
Being treated better, but not too much better.
Being noticed, but not too noticed.
Being right.

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