Sunday, December 17, 2006

Union Square Christmas Market

I've already written a bit about the Union Square Christmas Market, but I have to revisit...especially because they have hired "Evil Angels" to stand outside the 14th Street entrance (see pic., left). Or perhaps the evil angels have taken it upon themselves to stand there and glare at the holiday shoppers in an effort to point out the evilness of consumerism during this, the most wonderful time of the year. EVIL!!

The other notable additions are the throngs of artists displaying and selling their works around the outer edge of the Square (see pic., right). It was SO crowded over there yesterday that I could barely see it all, but I was impressed with much of it, and recommend that you go check it out. Especially if you happen to work for Goldman Sachs - why don't you go over there and support the entire independent New York art scene with your Christmas bonus and buy it all?

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